MONKI coat (gifted)
MONKI turtleneck knit
WST jeans (gifted)
ZARA sunglasses
Olin eilen tosi simppelillä asulla liikenteessä. Sää on vaihdellut tässä viime aikoina niin radikaalisti, ettei tiedä miten pukeutua, joten yhdistin tällä kertaa paljasta nilkkaa ja paksua neuletta.
Yesterday's outfit was very simple and comfy. The weather has been changing so radically these past few weeks that I don't really know how to dress myself, so this time I combined bare ankles and a chunky knit.
Yesterday's outfit was very simple and comfy. The weather has been changing so radically these past few weeks that I don't really know how to dress myself, so this time I combined bare ankles and a chunky knit.